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Debbie Thompson's Success Story

My name is Debbie Thompson.  I had open RNY surgery 9 months ago.  So far I have lost 136 wonderful pounds.  I never felt better and this surgery has changed my life for the better. 

Here are some of the things I can do now that I have lost the weight. I am walking 3 1/2 miles in a marathon and am signing up for 3 more. I am able to fit in booths at restaurants. I don’t have to wear a seat belt extender. When I go to an amusement park, I can fit in the rides and not have to worry that I will have to get off because I don’t fit. I have made exercise a part of my weekly life. I exercise at least 4 times a week and feel this is also a reason why I have been so successful. 

I went from wearing a size 32 to a size 22 in 9 months.  I knew that getting the weight off would change my life but never realized how much it would change.  I am now more out going.  People will now talk to me instead of maybe just smiling and looking away. 

For the most part everyone in my life has been very supportive and are extremely proud of what I have accomplished. 

A few people have thought I was taking "the easy way out".  I am quick to remind them that having this surgery is not an easy fix. 

I have to make sure that I take my vitamins and b-12 shots. I make sure that I get my protein daily. I have a protein drink for breakfast and will eat protein bars when I know my protein is low. I eat a healthy diet. I am not always perfect. I have been on a carb kick lately but thankfully I can only eat a little at a time. I try to plan when I am going places.  For instance, when I went to the amusement park, I made sure that I had water in the car and took some protein bars into the park to eat. I called ahead for permission. I am glad that I did because there wasn't anything I could really eat. 

I will say that even with the planning that I now have to do I would do this surgery 100 times over.  It has saved my life and completely changed it for the better. I look forward to what the future has in store for me. 

Thank you for your wonderful e-newsletter. I have learned a lot from it and also from your book.

Debbie Thompson

Congratulations Debbie!!


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